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한-아세안 문화혁신 포럼
Sustainability and New future
Jin Yim(APP)
The Creative Platform for ASEAN-Korea is a network composed of planners and researchers who engage in cultural and art activities in Korea and ASEAN. This Platform aims to devise and carry out global cooperative projects connecting the fields of Korea and ASEAN, as well as share knowledge, information and experiences via people-to-people exchanges.
Sharing the process of workshops of the Creative Platform for ASEAN-Korea
The Creative Platform for ASEAN-Korea is a network composed of planners and researchers who engage in cultural and art activities in Korea and ASEAN. This Platform aims to devise and carry out global cooperative projects connecting the fields of Korea and ASEAN, as well as share knowledge, information and experiences via people-to-people exchanges.
Workshops and the identification of keywords
The first workshop was focused on identifying common research tasks through online and in-person meetings. After introducing the ecosystem of each performing art and sharing mutual interests, participants further developed joint research subjects while sorting out core factors in discussions.
Tasks identified for mutually beneficial exchanges were building on subversive views to understand contemporaries. Some of the major contents included cultural·social diversity, the redistribution of resources, the freedom of expression, decentralization, resiliency, the need for new narratives, supranationalism, and coexistence through sympathy and solidarity. Based on similarity and connectivity, keywords drawn from across the artistic, cultural and social sectors were classified as follows.
Sustainability and Changes
Such dialogue once again let us recognize the fact that the purpose of international exchanges and solidarity is about the process of drawing a new future. The keywords were connected to each other centered around “structure and methodology for solidarity·cooperation”, “sustainable ecosystem” and “changes and new narratives”. At following workshops, such keywords became materialized through each participant’s definition on sustainability and changes.
Confirming the role of arts in the areas of society, culture and ecosystem, we defined “sustainability” as securing the ability to sustain to lay out the future together. We also agreed on the need for structural changes to this end. As understanding that “changes” are bringing about a shift in perspectives on society, structure and attitude while pursuing sustainability, we developed our dialogue into further specific questions.
Now, responding to contemporaries
The Creative Platform for ASEAN-Korea lays out the purpose, process and methodology of Korea-ASEAN exchanges via open discussions. This Platform will provide opportunities for the exchange of information to reflect on each other, and make suggestions on what we can do together. In addition, we will explore new narratives by holding discourse on timely subjects, connecting the requirements of the age, and paying attention to the still, small voice. All this process will contribute to planning a new future, another future while laying the foundation for a safe and sustainable ecosystem together.
Lim jin, Independent planner
Lim jin is actively working as an independent planner in the areas of festival programing, performance production and international exchanges. Based on strong interest in urban spaces, she is collaborating with various festival and art companies. It is a great pleasure for her to tell the story of the world she encounters at performances, as well as explore interesting questions.
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