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Cultural & Creative Sectors Research

ASEAN Creative Cities Forum & Exhibition (2017)

The ASEAN Creative Cities Forum and Exhibition includes a comprehensive forum, which will be held on 26-27 April 2017. It will be an interactive dialogue for all stakeholders than the traditional lecture format. Each panel discussion will always be followed by an open forum and Q&A to allow the audience to connect with the panelists and voice their issues, concerns, and clarifications.

The goal of the forum is to engage, challenge and grow together in order to inspire and equip leaders and future leaders with new concepts and ideas to disrupt the norm and develop new methods of problem solving for the modern world. The various discussions will center mainly around the:

  • Role of clusters and hubs in urban development, with case studies from ASEAN and the UK

  • Process of making  growth inclusive and avoid unequal creative cities

  • Case study on Bandung and how civic and government cooperation made it a creative city

  • Importance of research and mapping in strategy-making

  • Impact of culture on  the economy


Day 1

The forum will be officially launched Department of Trade and Industry Secretary Ramon M. Lopez, Chairman - ASEAN Economic Community Pillar. On the top of his agenda is the full economic integration of ASEAN member states by facilitating greater trade and investment.

The first expert speaker of the forum will be Professor John Howkins, who first coined the term "creative economy" in 2001. Several panel discussions will follow.

The first will be on "Soft Power: Creative/Design Diplomacy" participated in by Japan Foundation, with Dr. Karl Cheng Chua (Department Chair, Japanese Studies, Ateneo) and Ms. Mayumi Hirano (formerly with Koganecho Area Management Center) as panelists.

The second panel discussion will be "ASEAN Success Stories: Design", with the following participating countries: the Philippines (Kenneth Cobonpue), Singapore (Colin Seah), Thailand (Anon Pairot and Pipat Apiruktanakorn), and Indonesia. Adobo Magazine's Angel Guerrero will serve as moderator. This will be followed by "ASEAN Success Stories: Digital, Media & Entertainment," with A Space founder and CEO Matt Morrison serving as moderator. Malaysia (Global Entrepreneurship Movement Executive Director Low Ngai Yuen), Singapore, and the Philippines (ABS-CBN president and CEO Carlo Katigbak) will serve as panelists.

Nestle Philippines Senior Vice President for Marketing, Communication, and Innovation Paolo Mercado will moderate the last panel discussion: "Developing World-Class Talents." Rappler CEO Maria Ressa, BBDO's David Guerrero, and Haymarket Media Asia Pte Ltd. Marketing Editor Faaez Samadi will be the speakers. A welcome reception will follow at the end of the day in the Outdoor Area of the Alveo Garden, Bonifacio Global City Arts Center.

There will be a simultaneous talk "Open Space Discussion: Creative Hubs as Innovation Centres and Community Builders" hosted by the British Council at the Exhibition Hall in the afternoon.

  • Creative hubs can be lighthouses for forgotten areas of the city and are often drivers of the creative economy. Particularly in ASEAN cities, several hubs have played an important role in urban regeneration and development.

  • These ‘hubs’ are places where people can design, test, scale and launch enterprising new ideas. They might be referred to as creative clusters, maker spaces, incubators, labs, hacker spaces or art centres. They not only form communities, they develop a structured serendipity that enables people to connect in ways they had not before, inspiring new cross disciplinary collaborations, community engagements and modes of working.

  • Currently the British Council is undertaking an in depth creative hubs research in Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand and Indonesia in order to better support their needs and ambitions. This Open Space Discussion is an opportunity for hubs managers and other participants to get together, learn from one another, and build on regional networks.

  • Results from this discussions will be presented in the hubs panel on 27 April (Panel 2).


Day 2

The second day will kick off with a performance the TPB Philippines, followed by a special message from UNESCO Division of Creativity Director Dr. Jyoti Hosagrahar to be read out by Mr. Bernards Zako of UNESCO Jakarta.

Representative of the four cities that are already part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network will then share their insights and experiences. Secretary General Ms. Tita Larasati will represent Bandung, Indonesia (Design), followed by Mayor Achmad Alf Arslan Dijunaid for Pakalongan, Indonesia (Crafts and Folk Arts), DITP representative for Phuket, Thailand (Gastronomy), and Jackson Tan - Founder and Creative Director of BLACK Design for Singapore (Design).

Several panel discussions will follow after the lunch break.

Panel 1 - Creative Clusters & Hubs as drivers for sustainable creative cities

Provocation and moderation: Andrew Erskine

  • The British Council has been working with and supporting the development of creative cities around the world for several years. Recognising the growing importance of creative clusters and hubs, the British Council wants to support and stimulate the wider creative economy they are rooted in, particularly in times of political and financial uncertainty.

  • Often, creative clusters and hubs are seen to contribute to the local economy by inspiring and stimulating creative entrepreneurship and cultural tourism. In certain cases, they are influential in increasing the attractiveness, sustainability, and eventual market value of a place.

  • The panel looks at creative clusters and hubs as part of a national and city development strategy from UK and ASEAN perspectives. It explores their social and economic impact on cities, as well as more critical issues often associated with the development of creative cities.

  • Particularly, the panel talks about how design-focused urban development can trigger social cohesion and economic growth. Why invest in the creative sectors, what does the city get out of it?

Panelists will be Peeradorn Kaewlai (Senior Advisor, Thailand Creative & Design Center), Gillian Easson (Founder & Director, Creative Dundee, UK), and Jia-Ping Lee (Programme Director, Think City, Malaysia).

Panel 2 - Creative Hubs as innovation centres and community builders

Opening presentation: Katelijn Verstaete (Regional Director, Arts and Creative Industries, British Council East Asia)

Moderator: Ellen O’Hara (Creative and Cultural Strategist)

  • ‘Creative hubs’ are places where people can design, test, scale and launch enterprising new ideas.

  • The panel presents the initial findings of British Council’s research on creative hubs in Southeast Asia, with a focus on the Philippine context.

  • The discussion encourages policy makers, investors, institutions, and other stakeholders to pay attention to the important role that hubs play in innovation and community-building. How can we ensure the sustainable development and growth of these centres? How can cities leverage the great potential that creative hubs possess?

Panelists will be Victoria 'Boots' Herrera (Director, Ateneo Art Gallery, Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines), Marika Constantino (Co-Founder and Executive Director, 98B, Philippines), Fajri Siregar (Executive Director, Center for Innovation and Policy Governance, Indonesia), and Ling Low (Journalist, Malaysia).

ASEAN Committee on Business and Investment Promotions Chair and Department of Trade and Industry Undersecretary Nora K. Terrado will make the closing remarks, followed by a performance by TPB PHL.

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